Timo Schewik
DevOps Driven: Transforming Failure into Innovation with the Agile Mindset
In the dynamic world of modern business, the DevOps culture champions the principle of relentless improvement.
Artificial Intelligence – Factors for Successful Change
To remain competitive, it is essential to continuously adapt to new innovations.
Good enough for now and safe enough to try
Interview with Philipp Orlet and Stella Büchele about Portfolio Management.
Stella Büchele
Philipp Orlet
The Big Showdown: JIRA vs. Azure DevOps – Who Comes Out on Top in the Battle of the Project Management Giants?
In the dynamic world of project management, JIRA is under scrutiny.
Petar Jovancevic
Marija Cekus
Anxiety – success factor or barrier to change?
Organizations are increasingly confronted with the need to change.
Agile Transformation
Agile working: as value-oriented, as simplified, as feedback-intensive as possible! Alexander Badini Agile Transformation In a world of constant change, agility is the new promise of stability. We understand that transitioning from traditional structures to agility is more than just a method – it’s a journey that requires courage, openness, and a strong partnership. At […]
The Magic of OKRs and how to enchant everyone with it
“There is magic in every beginning.” These famous words of Hermann Hesse are known worldwide. But only very few have ever been able to experience this magic themselves. Especially in the work environment, you often must deal with sober and extremely objective innovations. But here, too, magic can work. A good example of this is […]
Does all this seem Spanish to me? – An Interview on Lean Portfolio Management
Does all this seem Spanish to me? – An interview with Stella Büchele and Alexander Badini on the topic of Lean Portfolio Management and the answer to the question of what speaking Spanish has to do with the introduction of LPM. Hello Stella, hello Alex! It’s great that we have found each other today. I […]