Battery aging in practice

Battery aging in practice: Analysis of over 7,000 vehicles provide deep insights into battery life and vehicle residual value.

Recent media coverage and social media discussions have increasingly highlighted concerns about the rapid aging of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Pre-owned EVs are often perceived as challenging to sell, as diminished battery capacity can significantly reduce their driving range and, consequently, their practicality.

These reports raise concerns for buyers about possible financial risks. The battery is a major part of an EV’s cost, making up 20–30%. Many see it as a weak point. This whitepaper, created with Aviloo, examines how long EV batteries last. It also looks at whether fears of early aging are valid.

The complete whitepaper is available for download here:


Contact Person P3

Heiko Knörzer

Jannik Pfeuffer

Markus Hackmann


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Battery aging in practice

Battery aging in practice: Analysis of over 7,000 vehicles provide deep insights into battery life and vehicle residual value.

Recent media coverage and social media discussions have increasingly highlighted concerns about the rapid aging of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Pre-owned EVs are often perceived as challenging to sell, as diminished battery capacity can significantly reduce their driving range and, consequently, their practicality.

These reports raise concerns for buyers about possible financial risks. The battery is a major part of an EV’s cost, making up 20–30%. Many see it as a weak point. This whitepaper, created with Aviloo, examines how long EV batteries last. It also looks at whether fears of early aging are valid.

The complete whitepaper is available for download here:


Contact Person P3

Heiko Knörzer

Jannik Pfeuffer

Markus Hackmann

Simon Jung



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Battery aging in practice: Analysis of over 7,000 vehicles